Types of Spinal Infections – Causes & Treatment Options

Spinal infection is rare yet a serious medical condition that leads to damage of the spine when not treated promptly by a spine specialist in UK. Bacteria, fungi or viruses are common causes of spinal infections which may impact any part of the spine. In this blog today, let us know about different types of spinal infections caused by these pathogens and then find out available treatment options for the spinal infections in UK. Read on:

What is Spinal Infection?

Spinal infection is a disease that occurs when foreign pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi attack spinal tissues resulting in infection to the different parts of the spine. The pathogens that enter the bloodstream through surgery or drug abuse attack the spinal elements causing different types of spinal infections

How serious is an infection in the spine?

Unlike regular infections like cold and cough which are easily treated or resolved on their, spinal infections can be dangerous as they slowly wreak havoc on the spine.

For example, when these pathogens attack the intervertebral discs, they may gradually start to break down or decay. Infection to the vertebrae can result in spinal instability, ultimately leading to a spinal fracture. In a few cases, even mild spinal fracture can lead to instability where the weight or torso may push the spine forward to result in a spinal deformity called Kyphosis, says spine specialist in UK Mr Jwalant S Mehta.

Types of Spinal Infection & Symptoms:

The symptoms of spinal infection vary depending on the specific type of spinal infection.

Here are different types of spinal infections along with their respective symptoms:

1. Vertebral osteomyelitis: Infection to the spinal bones often occurs in the lumbar area of the spine. Pain in the legs and arms, fever, weight loss and muscle spasms are common symptoms.

2. Spinal epidural abscess: Infection resulting in the accumulation of pus in the epidural space that can lead to spinal cord compression. Weakness, back pain, spine tenderness, bladder, bowel issues are common symptoms.

3. Discitis: Infection to the intervertebral discs that may occur after the surgery. Fever, chills, spinal movement, pan radiating into body parts are common symptoms.

4. Spinal subdural empyema: This type of spinal infection is rare and usually results due to infection in another part of the body. Leg pain and fever are common symptoms.

5. Meningitis: This Inflammation of the thin tissue that surrounds the spine can spread rapidly when not treated promptly. Sudden fever, nausea, vomiting, headaches, muscle spasms, or hearing loss are some of the symptoms that indicate prompt treatment by an orthopaedic spine surgeon UK.