Things To Avoid With Juvenile Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease refers to a medical condition in which the spinal discs of the vertebrae cause pain because of inflicted damage. Even though it is most commonly observed in people belonging to the older age groups, the degeneration can kick start as early as in the 20s. Juvenile disc degeneration mostly affects people belonging to the age group of late teens to early 30s. This medical condition can arise due to any factor, ranging from genetic inheritance to a spine injury.

Symptoms of Juvenile Degenerative Disc Disease

Here is a list of a few of the major degenerative disc disease symptoms:

  • Pain may wear off while resting, but persists while sitting for long durations
  • Running or walking eases out the discomfort and pain
  • Bending over or twisting causes pain
  • Pain starts spreading to other regions of the body

Things to Avoid with Juvenile Degenerative Disc Disease

While it is not possible to completely prevent degenerative disc disease amongst groups like juveniles, it is possible to take steps to ensure a speedy recovery. Taking certain steps also ensures that the spread and severity of degenerative disc disease go down significantly. Here are a few things to avoid with juvenile degenerative disc disease:

1. Restricting Physical Activity

The body must be getting a constant dose of healthy exercises when suffering from the condition of juvenile degenerative disc disease. Especially if the person suffering has to sit a lot for their work, it is advised to maintain a light workout schedule to keep up the physical health of the body.

2. Carrying Heavyweight

As long as one is affected by this medical condition, it is best if the patient does not lift or carry any heavy object at any time. This is because bending over and lifting anything heavy causes strain on the spine discs – which are already damaged in the case of people suffering from the juvenile degenerative disc. Hence, it is best to not put any unnecessary strain on the spine as much as possible.

3. Overlooking the Complications

One way in which the juvenile degenerative disc differs from the one in adults is that the degeneration takes place in more than one disc. In most cases, the damage is caused to most or all the lumbar discs, and hence should be treated as soon as it is diagnosed. Overlooking the complications and not considering a degenerative disc disease treatment in such cases might worsen the situation for young adults.


Now that the things to be avoided by people suffering from the juvenile degenerative disc are properly clear, it is crucial to know which of the Birmingham spine doctors one should consider visiting for this medical condition. 

Best known as the expert in deformity correction UK, Jwalant S. Mehta is the best spine specialist to consult. He is one of the most reputed doctors in his field of specialization and has successfully treated many people suffering from juvenile degenerative disc. You can book an appointment here: